Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Books to curl up with: HAPPY TUESDAY EVERYONE

Books to curl up with: HAPPY TUESDAY EVERYONE:    Good morning my peeps . we made it to Tuesday. Today I have book five in the Misty Hollow series . SIREN'S CALL  by Hp Mallory and J....


   Good morning my peeps . we made it to Tuesday. Today I have book five in the Misty Hollow series . SIREN'S CALL  by Hp Mallory and J.R Rain. 

                           BOOK BLURB

 I have a lot of secrets.

But one of those secrets, the one that causes me the most guilt, just got uncovered on page six of the Times Picayune newspaper.

And that secret has everything to do with my former partner, Mike Stewart—the man who accidentally heard my siren song and it made him lose his mind.

Now Mike is dead—stabbed to death in New Orleans—and I’m determined to solve his murder.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned by now, it’s that nothing in Misty Hollow is ever straightforward.

Not only am I trying to find out whodunit to bring justice to Mike, but just when things start to get a little, ahem, hot between weregator, Jean-Baptiste, and me… we get attacked.

And when I find out the attack has nothing to do with the creature in the swamp, I’ve now got two mysteries to solve.

Two mysteries that will see me reconnoitering with demons in the underground, appealing to the mercies of a surly witch, and literally facing a fate worse than death…

                    MY REVIEW 
 Welcome back to Misty Hollow. Marina , our resident mermaid and siren, just found out her partner is dead. The man who was her best friend and her partner. Like all things in Misty Hollow there is a roundabout way to get things done . When Jean- Baptiste. a were gator. and Marina are attacked things are about to go from bad to worse . With two mysteries to solve and having to deal with demons from the underground and having to appeal to a the mercies of a grouchy witch and then facing a fate worse then actual death. Will they survive the day . 

  This book in the series we get to see more of the back story on Marina and Anarchy. We get to find out more of their back story and boy is it interesting . Marina has had such an interesting life even when she was running for her life . She does grow a lot and we finally see her let go of a few things of her past. We also see Anarchy and why she is the way she is and her past. They are such great characters and it was great to see how they have evolved into what they are now. Jean- Baptiste and the rest of the gang are back and funnier then ever . I love how they have grown. 

  This is the fifth book in the series but it still feels fresh and fun . The authors have really put a lot of fun into the story and the characters . Misty Hollow is a fun read that will keep you entertained while at the pool or the campsite. So if you want a fun read check it out.

Monday, May 13, 2024


  Good morning my peeps and Happy Release day to Aleatha Romig and her new book . NOW AND FOREVER  book one in the Brutal Vows series

                         BOOK BLURB 

 Capo to the Luciano Famiglia was my birthright.

The cruelty needed to succeed in this life has been beaten into me since I was a young boy. My father, Vincent Luciano, taught by example and with the slap of his hand. My independent streak took me down paths my father would never have gone. With our enemies gaining strength, it is my idea to attempt an alliance with an unlikely bedfellow.
The Roríguez Cartel and the Luciano Famiglia are improbable partners, yet even Vincent Luciano can’t deny the possible benefits. The only way to solidify the deal is for me to marry Catalina Ruiz, the eldest daughter of Andres Ruiz, a top lieutenant in the Roríguez Cartel.
Catalina is young, beautiful, and thinks she understands the path she is being forced to follow. There is no way for her to know the monster she is about to wed. A man doesn’t become a made man at thirteen if he is capable of love. That emotion is beyond my scope of expertise. Saving the famiglia is my goal. And once this alliance is made, ours will be but the first of the brutal vows exchanged.

                   MY REVIEW 
 Catalina Ruiz is a sweet college graduate and the daughter of one of the top lieutenant's daughter in the Roriguez cartel. She is basically forced into marrying the son and the next capo of the Luciano famigila to strengthen the cartel's  ties . But will the marriage be downfall for both Dario and Catalina, love is weakness in the family but theirs is the first that could maybe keep everyone safe . 

Dario and Catalina are one of those couples that you really start to cheer for. Dario is a man that honestly violence has molded him and made him into the man that is today. But there is a side to him that is honestly loving and kind to those that mean something to him. He is also deadly when those he holds close are threatened and or killed . Catalina may be only in her 20's but she is actually wiser than her years . She knows what is to be done for duty but she also has an inner fire that will keep her safe when push comes to shove . They actually are a couple that fit together and really look out for each other.  He is dark, brooding and dangerous and she is his ray of light but is also independent and will fight along side of her husband. 

  This is the first book in a new series for this author, but what I really like that each book will be a stand alone book that you can read and get their story with no cliff hangers . Each book will have a core set of characters and others will pop in and out . I love books like that they are a fun read and you get to get involved with and fall in love with more characters that way. This is a really good read with lots of intrigue and smexy times with a couple that are falling in love This author has a way of taking a dark brooding alpha man and letting him fall for a woman who is sunshine but almost as deadly as he can be.  I can't wait for book two in the series . So if you want a series that would be a great summer beach read with a dark twist . Check it out I promise you will fall for Dario and Catalina.  

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Books to curl up with: GOOD MORNING PEEPS

Books to curl up with: GOOD MORNING PEEPS:   Good morning my peeps , it is Friday eve and it looks like it might be a wet weekend here . So I have all my books lined up for a weekend ...


  Good morning my peeps , it is Friday eve and it looks like it might be a wet weekend here . So I have all my books lined up for a weekend of reading . Today I have for you HEXES AND HOARFROST  book 3i in the Haven Hollow series by Hp Mallory and J.R Rain. 

                            BOOK BLURB 

 Being possessed is no walk in the park.

Especially when the roommate in your head happens to be a witch that a lot of people want dead—as in the ‘doornail’ sort of dead.

Indigo Hallewell, the witch within me, is the exact reason I very nearly met my fate once already. I was able to narrowly escape that debacle owing to my very sexy guardian, Angelo, who also happens to be an incubus.

And in case you aren’t sure what an incubus is—it’s a sex demon.


I’m literally shacked up with a sex demon. Only this one seems to have a conscience—maybe that’s the reason he hasn’t made a move on me yet.

But Angelo’s not my only guardian.

Enter Marty Zach, human and graphic designer, ghost hunter, and now the newest monster hunter recruit. Yep, Marty is what’s called a null which means magic doesn’t work on him—a good trait to have in a guardian.

As far as I’m concerned, a girl can’t have too many protectors—especially when there’s some sort of magical beast on the loose, and I’m pretty sure it’s got its sights set on me.

But that’s not even the worst of what I’m going through at the moment—no, that ignoble title is reserved for the truth I learn about Indigo and just why she’s at the top of everyone’s most wanted list.

                        MY REVIEW 

   Welcome back to the hollow , Lydia is trying to set up her new oddities shop along with Angelo but Indigo the dead witch who is sharing Lydia's body. She is having a rough time of it getting divorced, catching the eye of an incubus and now someone wants to take Lydia out because of Indigo. She needs all the help she can get between Angelo and Marty her new guardians it should be ok right . Well wrong an ice monster is making life unbearable for her and Indigo isn't helping at all. When push comes to shove the people ,super naturals , of Haven Hollow will help each other out and save the day. 

  Lydia and Angelo well they are like all the couples in the hollow . They know they like each other but can't let their feeling out . Lydia is a gypsy actually a distant cousin of Poppy , but she is a lot more. She is also a witch with latent powers and also possessed by a powerful witch that can help her if she wanted to. She is a sweet woman but a little naive in some ways also. Angelo is an incubus an actual sex demon but he may be sexy and alluring he does have some morals, He really likes Lydia and that is one reason he hasn't pressed her into anything, They belong together but Marty the mundane who is a null throws a kink into the plan when he come up with the fact he could be a guardian to her also. I feel for Marty he is trying to find the  one for him and having no luck . He is a sweet normal guy who has had a run of bad luck . I really like Marty . He is the sweetest guy ever . The rest of the gang is also back and ready to help out . 

  This series and its branches are just getting funnier and funnier, I love how the authors can add new characters but keep the complexity of the original characters . You can easily fall into the ways of life in the Hollow and be part of it . The sub series of this series is  Occult Oddities and this is the second book in the series . These books are just fun to read and you can read them in an evening . The characters will take you away and into a town which is more like a family then friends and keep you entertained . A great beach read for your summer . 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Books to curl up with: WELCOME BACK TO READER ROUND UP

Books to curl up with: WELCOME BACK TO READER ROUND UP:   Good morning my peeps. it is hump day and another day of reader round up . Yes I lost count its been a long week so far. So today I have a...


  Good morning my peeps. it is hump day and another day of reader round up . Yes I lost count its been a long week so far. So today I have a romantic mystery for you by a new to me author . Lets check out TRUTH OR KILL by A. C Kramer 

                            BOOK BLURB


I thought it was a joke.
Some pompous high-society game meant to play with the children of the elite.
But then people started dying.
Including the one who invited me to attend.

Now I’m the one they all suspect.
Because I have blood on my hands.
Their blood.

The pretty little pawn isn’t supposed to be here.
She’s unique. Not one of them. A potential prize I may take for myself.
But only if she learns how to properly play this game.

The terms are simple: truth or kill?
Mmm, I hope she picks kill.
Because she’ll look stunning in red.

Welcome to the darkness, my little black rose.
Blood is your new currency.\
And it’s time to pay the price.

                       MY REVIEW 
 Sydney is invited to a retreat for a week by a friend of hers on the volleyball team. She really just wants to get away from everything and charger her batteries .  When she arrives she wasn't expecting a mansion in the middle of no where and all the spoiled rich kids there. Then the fun begins when they are all meant to play a game called Truth or Kill . Things go from bad to worse when she finds her room mate dead and the killer is one of them. The only bright spot in the game that she is stuck in is Kage a dark, brooding sex god named Kage . He is her life line in this strange game. But what she doesn't know is that she just might not make it through the week, What she doesn't know is that Kage is watching her and keeping her safe from what is going to happen. Will they survive the week and will Kage be able to keep her to himself for just a little while. 

    Ok lets talk characters, Sydney is well she is strong woman, she has been through so much in her life and honestly she is a survivor and kind of a loner. When push comes to shove she will stand up for herself and keep secrets of those who she cares for.  Kage is a mystery and man he is a mystery . He is sexy, brooding man who well can make you swoon with just a smile and a wink. There is a darker more dominate side to him that would make you pant and that is the side that Sydney loves the most . They are both are lost and trying to find a way back to a life . There are so many other characters that are in the book most of them spoiled brats and selfish babies and boy you want to slap up side the head a few times to smarten them out . These are characters are very well written and complex in their own right .  You will love them or hate them . 

  This is one of those books where once you start you just can't put it down. I read it in an evening. The characters are so well written and you will love or hate them depending on the chapter. There is a romance but also a great mystery that is going on through out the book. You wonder who will survive and why they are doing this to them the twists and turns are great through out the book but there were moments where you will just think what is going on and why is he just letting her get hurt.  So if you want a book that will have you reading into the night and love a little danger, lots of romance with a some aspects of dominance and a good mystery . Check it out would make a good summer read .