Thursday, May 2, 2024


  Good morning my peeps , it is Friday eve and it looks like it might be a wet weekend here . So I have all my books lined up for a weekend of reading . Today I have for you HEXES AND HOARFROST  book 3i in the Haven Hollow series by Hp Mallory and J.R Rain. 

                            BOOK BLURB 

 Being possessed is no walk in the park.

Especially when the roommate in your head happens to be a witch that a lot of people want dead—as in the ‘doornail’ sort of dead.

Indigo Hallewell, the witch within me, is the exact reason I very nearly met my fate once already. I was able to narrowly escape that debacle owing to my very sexy guardian, Angelo, who also happens to be an incubus.

And in case you aren’t sure what an incubus is—it’s a sex demon.


I’m literally shacked up with a sex demon. Only this one seems to have a conscience—maybe that’s the reason he hasn’t made a move on me yet.

But Angelo’s not my only guardian.

Enter Marty Zach, human and graphic designer, ghost hunter, and now the newest monster hunter recruit. Yep, Marty is what’s called a null which means magic doesn’t work on him—a good trait to have in a guardian.

As far as I’m concerned, a girl can’t have too many protectors—especially when there’s some sort of magical beast on the loose, and I’m pretty sure it’s got its sights set on me.

But that’s not even the worst of what I’m going through at the moment—no, that ignoble title is reserved for the truth I learn about Indigo and just why she’s at the top of everyone’s most wanted list.

                        MY REVIEW 

   Welcome back to the hollow , Lydia is trying to set up her new oddities shop along with Angelo but Indigo the dead witch who is sharing Lydia's body. She is having a rough time of it getting divorced, catching the eye of an incubus and now someone wants to take Lydia out because of Indigo. She needs all the help she can get between Angelo and Marty her new guardians it should be ok right . Well wrong an ice monster is making life unbearable for her and Indigo isn't helping at all. When push comes to shove the people ,super naturals , of Haven Hollow will help each other out and save the day. 

  Lydia and Angelo well they are like all the couples in the hollow . They know they like each other but can't let their feeling out . Lydia is a gypsy actually a distant cousin of Poppy , but she is a lot more. She is also a witch with latent powers and also possessed by a powerful witch that can help her if she wanted to. She is a sweet woman but a little naive in some ways also. Angelo is an incubus an actual sex demon but he may be sexy and alluring he does have some morals, He really likes Lydia and that is one reason he hasn't pressed her into anything, They belong together but Marty the mundane who is a null throws a kink into the plan when he come up with the fact he could be a guardian to her also. I feel for Marty he is trying to find the  one for him and having no luck . He is a sweet normal guy who has had a run of bad luck . I really like Marty . He is the sweetest guy ever . The rest of the gang is also back and ready to help out . 

  This series and its branches are just getting funnier and funnier, I love how the authors can add new characters but keep the complexity of the original characters . You can easily fall into the ways of life in the Hollow and be part of it . The sub series of this series is  Occult Oddities and this is the second book in the series . These books are just fun to read and you can read them in an evening . The characters will take you away and into a town which is more like a family then friends and keep you entertained . A great beach read for your summer . 

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