Monday, August 26, 2024

Books to curl up with: HAPPY RELEASE DAY

Books to curl up with: HAPPY RELEASE DAY:   Good morning my peeps today I hope you all had great weekend. I had storms all weekend so it was a good reading weekend . Today I have for...


  Good morning my peeps today I hope you all had great weekend. I had storms all weekend so it was a good reading weekend . Today I have for you the last book in the Frozen Fate series . HEART OF FROST AND SCARS  by Pam Godwin. 

                             BOOK BLURB

 I’m the silent ache, the shadow that lingers, the present from your past, the knife in your heart.

In the chilling finale of the Frozen Fate trilogy, Frankie enters a world far deadlier than the one she escaped.

A sinister threat lurks in the shadows, hunting her with a dark obsession as her savage protectors battle the rules of society.
Thrust into the civilized world, they spiral into violence and refuse to conform, their wild natures threatening to tear apart their bond.
Amid these struggles, her seductive billionaire husband fights to reclaim her love.
Caught between possessive men, a deadly stalker, and a legacy of pain, she must decide her fate.
Choose wrongly, and she’ll lose everything to a monster with a heart of frost and scars.

                          MY REVIEW 
 Frankie and the guys have been saved from their icy tomb to be pushed into a totally different world. Trying to navigate this world of people and things and be civilized as they do. Also a jealous ex who is also family is not making things easier for the trio. Then add the fact that Frankie has a dangerous stalker threatening her trying to take away her independence.  What is a girl to do but fight for her life and the loves she has . If she chooses wrong she will loose everything.
   Frankie and the boys are back and battling demons of their own making . Frankie is having an identity crisis , she doesn't really know where her feeling lie . She loves Kodiak and Leo but the feeling she had for Monty are coming back and getting stronger with each day . She isn't the strong one through out the book , she is well at her wits end and is kind of pushing everyone away. She tries to be strong but fails miserably at it and comes off a little whiny. Kodiak well we just call him caveman and he is willing to fight anyone who even looks at Frankie the wrong way. He is the one that will do anything for his family but he also wants to spread his wings and get use to this new world he is in. When he is honed in he is deadly he will find you and when he does you will not survive, he is lethal. Leo is the sexy Viking who is learning about everything and he well is as sexy as sin actually all the men are both sexy and deadly at the same time . He is having a little bit more trouble trying to get use to this new world they are in. He is protective and deadly and loves to push the buttons of his brother,  Monty is well he is frustrated, broody and kind of stalker like in some ways . He fights and fights until her realizes that they are family and they as a family have to get it together and keep Frankie safe and realize that they all belong together. They have come along way and have become such beloved characters that have become more and more complex with each book. 

  In this last book of the series we really get to see how they actually function at becoming a family that will do anything to keep each other safe. The author takes us on one last roller coaster ride that is emotional. She honestly makes the real world a little bit more scarier then being in the tundra fighting for their lives . There are twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat and the twist at the end had me squealing for joy even though it was some of the darkest moments of the book.  I did feel at the beginning of the book it was just a little on the slow side and you kind of wanted to slap all of them and wake them up to what they were doing . Then it kicked into over drive and you were flying through the pages. This is one of those series where you start at book one and don't stop reading until you are done book three. A great series for those crisp fall weekends where you want to curl up with a good book . So check them out. I promise you will not be disappointed.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Books to curl up with: GOOD MORNING PEEPS

Books to curl up with: GOOD MORNING PEEPS:    Good morning my peeps , today is my last book in the reader roundup and I have for you book 2 in the Stevie Capot series COVETED BLOOD by...


   Good morning my peeps , today is my last book in the reader roundup and I have for you book 2 in the Stevie Capot series COVETED BLOOD by Mina Skye. 

                         BOOK BLURB

 Despite Sebastian’s warnings against slipping on the stunning Sapphire ring, I disregarded his advice and defiantly slipped the ring onto my finger. Little did I know that this seemingly harmless action would kill me…the second time.

However, it was comparable to a Phoenix and gave me a third lease on life, though forever altering my existence.

This ring served as a portal into my past life as Princess Stephanie Corin of the Sapphire Raven Clan. Besides being royalty, I discovered that I was a unique combination of a dark fairy and incomparable crone, a revelation that left me stupefied.

Reestablishing the memories of my past life was a bit of the straightforward part. Trying to carry on my father’s legacy brought a whole new nightmare altogether - the adoration of four men, Sebastian and Gabriel Corbeau, Rowan Shaw and Jeremy Fyfe.

These four men wanted my hand, heart, body and maybe the title of King; I wasn’t too sure about that part.

Being a Queen over the Sapphire Raven kingdom would be a breeze, if I was able to do it on my own.

Love was confusing, choosing one was even more of a challenge. I’ve no interest in being tied down and ponder on how I can love them all without the strings attached.

Why can’t my life…err lives ever be easy?

                 MY REVIEW 

After Stevie does the one thing that Sebastian told her not to do , slamming the ring on her finger , she dies yet again and wakes up in a grave yard with wings and parts of her past coming back to her as the ring acts as a portal back to her past life as Princess Stephanie Corin and the fact that she is part fairy and part witch. Now she is trying to piece together what has happened and carry on her father's legacy well not going so well. There is also the four men in her life who want her heart and her hand , she isn't wanting to be tied down but she loves each man and wants to love each of the freely with out being tied down . Will her life get any easier. 

 Stevie is back and well badder than ever, she got her wings back and is starting to figure out what is going on with her past. Her sass is strong and she gives as good as she gets. But there are moments where you see her more vulnerable and unsure of herself. Doesn't help when she has four very different men vying for her hand . Gabriel and Sebastian who are shifters and very different Gabriel is a gentleman but don't make him angry Sebastian well he has a bit of a temper that needs to be tuned in. Rowan well we can't trust this man at all . I think his end game is becoming king and nothing more. The wild card is Jeremy who is a new man in her life but he plays everything close to the vest , is his feelings true or not.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In the second book we get a lot more action and a lot more of the mystery of what happened to Stevie.  The twists and turns through out the book will have you on the edge of your seat and the tender times will have you smiling . Yes Stevie does get into it a lot in this book. She just can't help herself sometimes . This book does pick up right where book one left off so you will get right into the action right away. I am truly liking this author's writing yes there are multiple points of view but this time it flows easier and is not as choppy as it was in book one . So if you want a sassy fairy and the men in her life mixed with a mystery check it out . 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Books to curl up with: GOOD DAY WE ARE ALMOST TO THE END OF READER ROUNDUP:    Good morning my peeps, I hope your Monday was good and your Tuesday is going great. Today I have you a new to me author Mina Skye and her...


   Good morning my peeps, I hope your Monday was good and your Tuesday is going great. Today I have you a new to me author Mina Skye and her first book in the Stevie Capote series HOOD OF SEDNA . 

                           BOOK BLURB

 In 1745, I awoke in the wilds of North Carolina, devoid of any possessions and my memories lost in the void. Stripped of my identity and left to fend for myself, I resorted to thievery to survive, carving out a notorious reputation as the cunning and elusive Stevie Capot.

A century later, destiny led me to Sedna, Washington, where tantalizing fragments of my forgotten past began to resurface, like shards of broken glass reflecting a life I had left behind. But my quest for truth was overshadowed by the relentless pursuit of the town's unyielding marshal and his relentless posse of lawmen. To my dismay, my already tumultuous existence was further complicated by the arrival of three mysterious strangers, each claiming to hold the key to unlocking the secrets sealed within my mind.

As I grappled with the enigma of my lost memories, I couldn't shake the feeling that Sedna held the answers, or perhaps the three enigmatic men who had emerged in sync with the resurgence of my past. Their arrival only served to heighten the relentless pricking of my skin, a constant reminder that I was on the precipice of decoding the secrets veiled in the fog of time. Amidst the chaos and danger that threatened to consume me, I was determined to unearth the truth, no matter the cost.

                       MY REVIEW 
 After waking up in 1745 Stevie doesn't know who she is or where she is . No memories of her past and how she got to where she is. Stevie has to resort to being a thief and finding others to help . She steals with a purpose to help out the people of Grunge Alley. After a century Stevie finds herself on the way Sedna with fragments of a past and trying to stay one step ahead of a marshall with ill intentions and three men that have clues to her past and what she is. As she is grappling with parts of her past, her life is turned to chaos and dangerous but she is determined to get to the truth of her past. 

There are a lot of characters in this book but the main character Stevie really stands out as she is doing whatever she can to figure out what happened to her . She is sometimes really rough around the edges and acts like a guy most of the time there is more to her than meets the eye. There are no soft spots to her she is all about staying safe and trying to figure out what happened . Gabriel and Sebastian are shifters who want Stevie back and will do anything to help her get back her memories. Rowan is well you can't trust him, he seems shifty and has an ulterior motives of winning Stevie back . These characters are well written and have a complexity to them. 

 This is one of the books that is a fantasy but also has a paranormal shine to it . We have dragons, fairies and shifters as main characters . There is mystery, intrigue and a little bit of romance through out this book . It really gives off a Robin Hood vibe with Stevie robbing the rich and helping out the poor. Over all I really enjoyed this book but there were times i felt with so many points of view it seemed choppy and chaotic.  This is an enjoyable book that will have your teens reading well into the night .  So add it to your reading list.  

Monday, August 12, 2024


Books to curl up with: GOOD MORNING WELCOME TO MONDAY:    Good morning my peeps today I have for you a crime thriller, book seven in the Detective Cadillac Holland series . SHELL GAME by H Max Hi...


   Good morning my peeps today I have for you a crime thriller, book seven in the Detective Cadillac Holland series . SHELL GAME by H Max Hiller. 

                          BOOK BLURB

 A change of venue from south of I-10 to Missouri has no effect on Detective 'Cadillac' Holland's ability to ruffle feathers, break rules, and bring a disturbing surfeit of firepower into play to right a wrong...several, in fact.

A phone call out of the blue from and old military school classmate - and a disconcerting visit from that classmate's sister - leads Detective Holland to inadvertently stumble upon yet another global antiquities theft. In his usual fashion, he manages to foist his unique approach upon every level of law enforcement from a small-town Missouri sheriff to the FBI and beyond, while skirting not only the law but the unexpected lurking danger of suffering the ultimate retribution from his Iraqi nemesis, the politically connected Habib family, while searching for an elusive shipping container of cultural artifacts stolen from the Iraqi National Museum.

Allies are hard to come by when no one is who - or where - they seem to be, and everyone is out for their personal gain at the detective's expense.

                     MY REVIEW 
  Detective Holland is back and well doing what he does best ruffling feathers and breaking rules . When artifacts go missing from the Iraqi National Museum detective Holland is thrown into the middle of mystery. Doing things his way he gets in the middle of the mystery. not knowing who he can trust and some people aren't who they say they are . Everyone is out for themselves and no one can be trusted . 
    Detective Cadillac is back and well he is busier than ever . He is still walking the fine line between keeping the rules and breaking them. He is such a likeable guy people just trust him and tell him almost anything which is good but also a curse when it comes to keeping secrets . We get to meet a lot of interesting characters in this book and honestly there are moments where you can't trust any of the characters . The author crafts such interesting complex characters that you will like and dislike at the same time. 
   This is a complex book that I read in a day. The author writes so many twists and turns through out this book that had me second guessing myself through out cause at one moment I thought I had it figured out but bang nope I was totally wrong. The author really likes to entwine the cities into his story lines. You can read this book as a stand alone because he has taken Holland out of New Orleans . So if you want a series that will make you think and solve a mystery this is the series for you add it to your fall reading list.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Books to curl up with: GOOD MORNING ALL

Books to curl up with: GOOD MORNING ALL:    Good Sunday morning peeps, its been a wild weekend here on the farm and we are coming to the end of our reader round up on the 16th of Au...


   Good Sunday morning peeps, its been a wild weekend here on the farm and we are coming to the end of our reader round up on the 16th of August. Today I have the second installment of the Madam President series  by Terri A Wilson .MADAM PRESIDENT AND HER DRAGON LOVER.

                              BOOK BLURB

  Angela Bishop is about to challenge the world.

She’s tired of taking crap from all the men in her life. It doesn’t matter that she’s the President of the United States. She knows what needs to be done and won’t let anyone stop her, including her dragon lover.

When shifters turn up dead in Arkansas, she needs to accomplish the one thing that may kill her career. But it might kill the dragon she loves if it doesn’t work out. She’ll be challenged in ways no previous president has and risk everything for him.

In the end, she will find out who truly supports her and who has been manipulating her for personal gain all along.

                    MY REVIEW 
 Angela and Blake are back and its about to hit the fan. Angela is tired of taking crap from all the men in her life. She is doing her best to keep the country on the right track and she knows what needs to be done and no one not even her dragon will stop her. When shifters are found dead in Arkansas she knows what she needs to do but it will kill her career if she does . But will she be able to pull it off and make the natural changes that need to be done to make it all work out. If it works out she will find out who has her back and who have been trying to manipulate her for their own gains . 
 Angela and Blake are back and its a month after the abduction of her son. She has gone into momma bear mode and nothing is going to stop her. She is pushing all the buttons to figure out what is really going on but there are moments where she almost comes off as really pushy and kind of a brat when she wants things done. Blake is well still sultry and is trying really hard to figure out what is going on with the woman he loves and what is going on with the shifters and the group hunting them. They are stronger and more complex in this book and we also get to meet more shifters that become part of the protective detail. Doyle is one who honestly brings a bit of levity to the book he is only out for himself and will do what he needs to do to keep everyone safe. 
 This is the second part of the book and there is so much more action and intrigue and it reads so much faster . The author takes us on an adventure ride through the ins and outs of politics and what will happen when you stand up for what you believe in . You really have to read book one before you dive into this book but you will get a clearer picture of what happened in this book if you read book one . I want to read more about the characters and see how and if things get better. Check it out 

Friday, August 9, 2024


Books to curl up with: GOOD MORNING TO ANOTHER DAY OF READER ROUND UP:    Good morning my peeps , hope your week went well we made it to Friday. Today I have for you part one of MADAM PRESIDENT AND HER DRAGON BO...


   Good morning my peeps , hope your week went well we made it to Friday. Today I have for you part one of MADAM PRESIDENT AND HER DRAGON BODYGUARD  by Terri A Wilson . 

                           BOOK BLURB 

 As the President of the United States, Angela Bishop protects every American. But who protects her?

Blake Sullivan is the youngest son of the oldest dragon clan in North America. He was his father's favorite until his mate's murder sent him into a tailspin that ended with him wandering the world. Alone. Which was just how he wanted it.

Angela Bishop never wanted to be in politics. After her husband died, she was approached with an offer she couldn't refuse. She never dreamed that offer would lead to the White House. Today, as the first female president, she brings a unique spin on world politics, but not everyone appreciates it.

Now, when a wizard sets his sights on world domination combining his magic with nanotechnology, Blake has to harness his anger and protect Angela, even though, she's the one person who could destroy all dragons.

                  MY REVIEW 
   Angela Bishop has the best and the worst job in America, she is the president and has the whole country to keep safe, she as the first woman president has so much pressure on her. When she needs protecting in walks Blake Sullivan, a dragon shifter from one of the oldest shifter clans in North America. Together they must figure out the threat to the shifters and figure who is trying take over the world and save the paranormal world also . Or will they be the ones to destroy each other. 
  Angela and Blake well they are one steamy couple . Angela is one tough woman who well is actually putting on a facade of being the President of the U.S , she really doesn't want to be there but is doing it to as a legacy to her late husband. She is tough but also has a sadness around her. Blake is well he is grumpy and kind of surly but he has had such a bad past. He lost his mate and his father banished him. So he has just been well himself . Until the day he gets an ultimatum by his brother and he finds his purpose. He is still surly but boy he is so sexy and protective you just want to melt. They are such a strong couple and really heat up the pages .
  This is the first part of a really hot book. The author takes us on a bumpy but encouraging ride to finding each other. The characters are well written and complex. The story line is one of adventure and intrigue. I truly enjoyed this book and can't wait to hit book two and see what happens to these two. I know their adventure is not over and I can't wait to see where the author takes them and I pray they get their happily ever after. So if you want a a sexy dragon shifter and his soon to be mate on your summer reading list this is the book for you . A great summer hammock read.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Books to curl up with: GOOD AFTERNOON PEEPS

Books to curl up with: GOOD AFTERNOON PEEPS:   Good afternoon peeps, yes it is another day of reader round up and today I have for you book two in the Chances series TAKING CHANCES by T...


  Good afternoon peeps, yes it is another day of reader round up and today I have for you book two in the Chances series TAKING CHANCES by Traci Wooden - Carlisle

                          BOOK BLURB

 Friendship always seemed like the safest bet, but the possibility of love may make theirs a chance worth taking.

Almost from birth, Andrew Wolfe knew the majority of his life would be spent healing people. It's a passion that he embraces with all of his being until a dark-haired, gray-eyed girl looks up from a pile of books between them and challenges the space in his heart for his first love.

Unsure if he can have Pietra along with the life he’s been destined, Andrew remains friends with Pietra for years without revealing his true feelings, but love won't be denied forever.

Those who’ve met Pietra Rivera think she’s a shy but kind and generous woman with intelligence to rival the best minds in medicine, and they would be right.

They also believe that the ideal man for her would be an equally nice guy, with like ambitions who would move mountains for her and again they would be correct. But is Andrew that man or is she headed for heartbreak?

Will either of them take the chance at more than friendship with the other or will lifelong expectations and obligations keep them in the friend zone?

                       MY REVIEW

 Pietra is working hard at the hospital and really has no time for dating. While her best friend Andrew has been working his whole life training on healing people from both traditionally and modern medicine . There is a girl that keeps popping into his mind that he cares for deeply and they are best friends . There are things that might be keeping them from becoming more than friends . There are secrets that might keep them apart. Hope that they can come together and realize that they belong together before they end up in the friend zone for ever. 

  Pietra we got to meet in book one she is Meagan's best friend and a pretty smart cookie. She is a hard worker who can laugh and have fun but she is also has a sadness around her . She loves to fix everything for everyone but herself. Her best friend Andrew is a neurosurgeon and also in line to be the medicine man for his tribe in New Mexico. He is a sweet, good looking guy who is torn between two worlds . He wants to help out the tribes but he also wants to keep his neurosurgeries . They are sweet as friends and so cute as a couple when they finally realize what is going on and they decide that they should take the chance . Meagan and Tony are back and we see them planning their wedding and helping Pietra and Andrew realize what is right under their noses . 

    This is another sweet romance but with a little bit more angst through out. The characters are well written and you really get to know them.  The author has a sweet way of bringing the characters together and watch them fall for each other. It is a fun sweet read that will have you reading until late. So this would be another good read for the beach or by the pool . Check it out. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Books to curl up with: Welcome to another day of reader round up

Books to curl up with: Welcome to another day of reader round up:    Good morning my peeps another day of reader round up. Today I have for you guess come on guess. No it is not another fantasy book it is a...

Welcome to another day of reader round up

   Good morning my peeps another day of reader round up. Today I have for you guess come on guess. No it is not another fantasy book it is a contemporary romance for you  CHANCES ARE  book one in the Chances series by a new to me author, Traci Wooden - Carlisle. 

                            BOOK BLURB

 It took a 15-second play to bring his career to a halt for the season.

It only took one second for her to bring his heart to a stop.

A bone shattering hit sidelines Antoni Cahill from his top spot as the Scranton Sparrows top-rated kicker, but he is dealt a crushing blow with the news of his grandfather’s passing. To keep his grandmother happy Tony helps her relocate to her childhood town of Chance, VA. His growing suspicion of her true physical health causes him to seek out a nurse/companion for her while he’s away. The woman standing on their doorstep may be exactly what the doctor ordered for his grandmother, but she takes his breath away.

For Meagan Rowe, Sweet Grove has been a place of refuge after the death of her twin brother. For years her decision to become a nurse practitioner was the only one that made sense, both to her heart and the financial preservation of her family. Her budding career and most recent client brings her face-to-face with the extremely handsome yet adorably awkward football star.

It could be a match made in heaven if she wasn’t forced to keep his grandmother’s true health a secret or if his foundation hadn’t failed to help her family in their most desperate time of need.

                        MY REVIEW 
 When Tony Cahill gets sided lined with an injury he really didn't think that his life would change when his grandmother called telling him the news that his grandfather passed away. He grants her wish of moving back to her home town and then he finds a nurse / companion for her because he has a bad feeling about her health. In walks Meagan a nurse who is the healing balm for his grandmother but even more for him. Meagan is the balm that everyone needs but her sadness is not hard to miss after loosing her twin. Will grandma bring these two together and will they be able to figure everything out between grandma's health and and the secret of his foundation failing her family when they needed it the most. 

 Meagan and Tony are such a sweet pair, Tony is a rough and tumble football player who you would think of being arrogant and self important but he totally isn't. He is a sweet guy who cares deeply for his family and honestly it seems like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Meagan is a sweet woman who is working hard to help out her family and she loves her job but like Tony it seems like she has a burden that she is carrying around with her that does make her a little sad. When they are together they are sweet almost too sweet sometimes. Grandma is such a card she knows what is up with them. Pietra her best friend and room mate is like the best friend we all need and also the sound of reason when both of them get in their heads. 

  This is a sweet clean read and it is a good read, the characters are well written but did come a little flat a few times maybe they were just too sweet. The author could of given them a little bit of angst in the story to give them a little bit of depth and maybe let them have a little time apart then come back together and fall in love deeper . Over all I truly liked this book and can't wait to see what happens in book 2. so if you want a sweet clean read this will be one for the beach or pool . Check it out.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Books to curl up with: GOOD DAY FOR READING

Books to curl up with: GOOD DAY FOR READING:   Good afternoon my peeps , today is book book 3 in the World of Aluvia series . DRAGON REDEEMER by Amy Bearce.                             ...


  Good afternoon my peeps , today is book book 3 in the World of Aluvia series . DRAGON REDEEMER by Amy Bearce. 

                           BOOK BLURB 

 Four years have passed since a fairy swarm released the voice of prophecy in Nell Brennan. In that painful moment, a skilled warrior became a reluctant leader and defender of Aluvia’s magic. Now a new enemy threatens their still-fragile lands, one Nell feels powerless to stop even with help from the voice within her.

A mysterious dark alchemist from the Ice-Locked Lands is rising to power on the strength of his sword arm and an ice-breathing dragon obedient to his command. He promises unlimited magic to his followers and death to those who defy him. If he takes over the ports, his corrupt elixirs will disrupt the delicate balance of peace between Aluvia's people and all magical creatures.

The voice of prophecy sends Nell and her friends to their enemy’s treacherous domain to find a sword of legend. Only the sword’s magic can prevent a return to a world of dying fairies and caged merfolk. But Nell’s up against the toughest foe she’s ever faced. In order to defeat him, she must master the unimaginable power of the sword―and the unwanted magic inside herself.

                   MY REVIEW 
   It has been four years since the fairy swarm released the inner voice of prophecy to Nell Brennan. Once a skilled warrior now a reluctant defender of Aluvia magic. Now that there is a new threat to the lands Nell feels lost and not prepared for what is about to happen. With the fate of the lands in peril and a dark alchemist using his powers to turn the people and magical beings against the ways by promising all the power they can handle . Now it is up to Nell and the rest to figure out what is up and she must defeat the  man and master the power of the sword and take control of the magic within her. 
  Nell is well she is a very strong woman who is trying to keep her life separate from the magic that is inside her. She is a true warrior in a sense that she will fight for everything that she knows is right. When she starts to hear voices that are pushing her in all directions . She seems to want things more and wants to fight for all. With the help of her friends from the fairy and mer - folk they will be able to try and conquer the man behind the magic and finally let everyone rest  and live in harmony. 
  This is the last book in the series and I will admit that it was the most action packed book. The author weaves a magical tale that pits good against evil and there are times that you get a glimpse of what it is really like when magical and human can live together in peace and harmony. This series will have your teens turning pages while by the pool or at the campsite. So if you want a fantasy series that will take you through many lands check it out . 

Monday, August 5, 2024


Books to curl up with: GOOD MORNING AND WELCOME BACK TO READER ROUND UP:     Good morning my peeps and welcome back to another book day for reader round up. Today I have for your book two in the World of Aluvia se...


    Good morning my peeps and welcome back to another book day for reader round up. Today I have for your book two in the World of Aluvia series by Amy Bearce. MER - CHARMER . 

                          BOOK BLURB

 Fourteen-year-old Phoebe Quinn is surrounded by magic, but she can’t muster any of her own. Her sister is a fairy keeper. Her best friends are merfolk. And all she does is dishes and housework.

When Phoebe finds out a terrible sea creature is awakening that preys upon the peace-loving merfolk, she becomes determined to help them, even though it means risking her life deep in the ocean. Beneath the waves, Phoebe learns she’s more like her sister than she realized. The merfolk are drawn to her, and she can sense the magic of the sea all around her. Magic is finally at her fingertips--which is precisely why the stirring dark power under the waters decides it wants her most of all.

Now she must not only help the peaceful merfolk escape this ancient enemy, she must master her raw, out-of-control powers. If she fails, she will die and darkness will rise and enslave the merfolk once more. But embracing her full power could cost her the very people she loves the most.

                       MY REVIEW 
 Phoebe Quinn has been surrounded by magic for as long as she can remember. She is drawn to the water and has met some of her best friends mer folk. When she finds out there is an ancient evil trying to wake up and take out the mer folk. Phoebe will do anything to protect her friends and the one she loves even awaken the magic within her and become the person she is destined to be. 
 Phoebe is such a sweet character, she has been through so much in her young life. There are moments when she doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere, she just feels ordinary . I mean her older sister is the Fairy Keeper and all she does is clean the house. She is a little naive but when push comes to shove she proves what she can do. Tristian well he is her love and even though he is a merman he is her best friend and truly cares about her. They are best friends . He is like a protector and her best friend but you know there is actually something deeper between them . Each character is written with such care and the author constructs a very well written and complex character . 
  This is a story for anyone who loves mermaids and wanting to be part of that world . Ok yes I am one of those people. The author does such a great job of painting a world that you can get lost in and find adventure and love . This is such a fun read and would be great for anyone from middle school up to us old folks that just like a fun story that will take you away for a bit . A great read to wile away the summer at the lake. So let your kids check it out I promise this series will have them turning pages until sunset 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Books to curl up with: BOOK 4 IN READER ROUND UP

Books to curl up with: BOOK 4 IN READER ROUND UP:   Good day all , it is another day of reader round up . Today I have for you book 8 in the Vampire Innocent series A VAMPIRE'S GUIDE TO ...


  Good day all , it is another day of reader round up . Today I have for you book 8 in the Vampire Innocent series A VAMPIRE'S GUIDE TO SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS  by Matthew S Cox 

                         BOOK BLURB 

Sarah Wright has gone through a lifetime of mess in a mere five months, but her most difficult challenge yet is making it through Thanksgiving without spilling blood.

It isn’t only her extended family tempting her to sprout claws. A vampire hunter has arrived in Seattle, his sights set on Professor Heath. Worse, the hunter seems like a relatively nice guy. Dedicating one’s entire life to destroying undead sounds like a perfectly reasonable response to witnessing a vampire kill your parents, right?

She doesn’t believe her mild professor used to be a bloodthirsty mass-murderer, nor does she want to straight-up kill a living man for merely existing. Her indecision and silence backfires. One of the local vampire elders, still fuming over Sarah’s decision to remain with her mortal family, seizes the chance to back her into a political corner:

If Sarah doesn’t kill the hunter, she’ll bear the responsibility for anyone he destroys.

                    MY REVIEW
 Sarah is your typical teen ager in so many ways but she has also been through so much in the last five months . She has been turned into a vampire had to fight her way through so many things and now she has a vampire hunter after her and the vampire politics backing her into a corner. Also she has to survive Thanksgiving dinner with her family. What is a girl to do, she has to figure out a lot and try and keep a man safe and watch the other man who is trying to kill her all safe. 

 We get to see Sarah try an combine her old life and her new life while trying to navigate the perils of being a vampire with her family. She really does handle the stress not too badly there are moments where we do see her really take on the world to save her friend. But underneath she is the same sweet girl that she was before but she does have the attitude of a wiser woman. Demarco is a new character and we get to see a vampire hunter at work. He is on a mission to find out who killed his family and is honestly kind of confused about vampires and Sarah really throw a kink into his plans . He didn't realize that vampires aren't all evil and blood thirsty. The family is back and funnier than ever . What Sam does at Thanksgiving is just the best. 

 These books just keep getting funnier and better . we get to see how Sarah is growing and becoming the best she can be. The author just takes us on such a fun ride and the characters are getting more and more complex . This series is just a fun read and it had me laughing all the way through the book . There are some scary parts but over all it is such a fun beach read that your teens would love 

Friday, August 2, 2024


   Good afternoon all today it is another book in the Vampire Innocent series for reader round up. So today I have for you ORDINARY PROBLEMS OF A COLLEGE VAMPIRE by Matthew S Cox.

                              BOOK BLURB 

 Sarah Wright faces many challenges typical to any college student: tons of work, second-guessing her major, and trying to find time between classes to drink blood.

She’s adjusted to her new vampiric self. It’s fun being immortal, despite a mostly nocturnal schedule cutting into her time for friends and family. Though, little about her reality is routine. Her little sister needs magical training so she doesn’t accidentally summon the pom-pom of destruction. Compared to that, a minor demon living in her brother’s room isn’t such a big deal… and her dad still insists on watching Eighties’ movies.

Oh, did I mention her sire is a bit on the dodgy side?

A major drawback to undeath is the tendency for problems to follow bloodlines. When Dalton steps in it—again—a gang of vampires from California think Sarah shares responsibility. She doesn’t want to be involved, but there’s one giant problem:

                      MY REVIEW 
 Its been a little over 5 months since Sarah became a vampire and things are starting to become normal for her . She is doing well in school and family life well is a little chaotic . Her sister needs a magical tutor to help her out so she doesn't bring her monsters from her dreams alive . Her brother Sam has an imp living in his bedroom and they are the best of friends . Just a normal day in the life of Sarah . Oh yeah there is a gang of vampires after her because of something her sire did . She doesn't want to be involved but bang she is thrust in the middle of it when her sire doesn't pick up the phone. 

   For five months Sarah has been having a normal life for a vampire. She is going to school and everything . Its actually kind of boring and nice at the same time. She is getting into a pattern with her siblings and the parents. She is becoming stronger with each bad thing that happens to her . She is taking what comes and fights hard to get it right again if it goes sideways . We really see her fight in this book . She becomes a true kick butt heroine when it comes to saving her brother and his friends.  She attacks things head on and will do almost anything to keep her family safe. She is really growing as a character and becoming more and more rounded with each book . Also this family is one of the funniest families to read, 

  This installment will have you wondering what one girl can do to make a gang of vampires mad at her . The author has a way of maintaining the suspense of the story while adding some of the most hilarious scenes out there . The family dynamic is so right on for a fictional family . You can almost imagine them as your family. Another great summer read for your teens or yourself for the beach or pool side.