Tuesday, August 13, 2024


   Good morning my peeps, I hope your Monday was good and your Tuesday is going great. Today I have you a new to me author Mina Skye and her first book in the Stevie Capote series HOOD OF SEDNA . 

                           BOOK BLURB

 In 1745, I awoke in the wilds of North Carolina, devoid of any possessions and my memories lost in the void. Stripped of my identity and left to fend for myself, I resorted to thievery to survive, carving out a notorious reputation as the cunning and elusive Stevie Capot.

A century later, destiny led me to Sedna, Washington, where tantalizing fragments of my forgotten past began to resurface, like shards of broken glass reflecting a life I had left behind. But my quest for truth was overshadowed by the relentless pursuit of the town's unyielding marshal and his relentless posse of lawmen. To my dismay, my already tumultuous existence was further complicated by the arrival of three mysterious strangers, each claiming to hold the key to unlocking the secrets sealed within my mind.

As I grappled with the enigma of my lost memories, I couldn't shake the feeling that Sedna held the answers, or perhaps the three enigmatic men who had emerged in sync with the resurgence of my past. Their arrival only served to heighten the relentless pricking of my skin, a constant reminder that I was on the precipice of decoding the secrets veiled in the fog of time. Amidst the chaos and danger that threatened to consume me, I was determined to unearth the truth, no matter the cost.

                       MY REVIEW 
 After waking up in 1745 Stevie doesn't know who she is or where she is . No memories of her past and how she got to where she is. Stevie has to resort to being a thief and finding others to help . She steals with a purpose to help out the people of Grunge Alley. After a century Stevie finds herself on the way Sedna with fragments of a past and trying to stay one step ahead of a marshall with ill intentions and three men that have clues to her past and what she is. As she is grappling with parts of her past, her life is turned to chaos and dangerous but she is determined to get to the truth of her past. 

There are a lot of characters in this book but the main character Stevie really stands out as she is doing whatever she can to figure out what happened to her . She is sometimes really rough around the edges and acts like a guy most of the time there is more to her than meets the eye. There are no soft spots to her she is all about staying safe and trying to figure out what happened . Gabriel and Sebastian are shifters who want Stevie back and will do anything to help her get back her memories. Rowan is well you can't trust him, he seems shifty and has an ulterior motives of winning Stevie back . These characters are well written and have a complexity to them. 

 This is one of the books that is a fantasy but also has a paranormal shine to it . We have dragons, fairies and shifters as main characters . There is mystery, intrigue and a little bit of romance through out this book . It really gives off a Robin Hood vibe with Stevie robbing the rich and helping out the poor. Over all I really enjoyed this book but there were times i felt with so many points of view it seemed choppy and chaotic.  This is an enjoyable book that will have your teens reading well into the night .  So add it to your reading list.  

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