Monday, August 26, 2024


  Good morning my peeps today I hope you all had great weekend. I had storms all weekend so it was a good reading weekend . Today I have for you the last book in the Frozen Fate series . HEART OF FROST AND SCARS  by Pam Godwin. 

                             BOOK BLURB

 I’m the silent ache, the shadow that lingers, the present from your past, the knife in your heart.

In the chilling finale of the Frozen Fate trilogy, Frankie enters a world far deadlier than the one she escaped.

A sinister threat lurks in the shadows, hunting her with a dark obsession as her savage protectors battle the rules of society.
Thrust into the civilized world, they spiral into violence and refuse to conform, their wild natures threatening to tear apart their bond.
Amid these struggles, her seductive billionaire husband fights to reclaim her love.
Caught between possessive men, a deadly stalker, and a legacy of pain, she must decide her fate.
Choose wrongly, and she’ll lose everything to a monster with a heart of frost and scars.

                          MY REVIEW 
 Frankie and the guys have been saved from their icy tomb to be pushed into a totally different world. Trying to navigate this world of people and things and be civilized as they do. Also a jealous ex who is also family is not making things easier for the trio. Then add the fact that Frankie has a dangerous stalker threatening her trying to take away her independence.  What is a girl to do but fight for her life and the loves she has . If she chooses wrong she will loose everything.
   Frankie and the boys are back and battling demons of their own making . Frankie is having an identity crisis , she doesn't really know where her feeling lie . She loves Kodiak and Leo but the feeling she had for Monty are coming back and getting stronger with each day . She isn't the strong one through out the book , she is well at her wits end and is kind of pushing everyone away. She tries to be strong but fails miserably at it and comes off a little whiny. Kodiak well we just call him caveman and he is willing to fight anyone who even looks at Frankie the wrong way. He is the one that will do anything for his family but he also wants to spread his wings and get use to this new world he is in. When he is honed in he is deadly he will find you and when he does you will not survive, he is lethal. Leo is the sexy Viking who is learning about everything and he well is as sexy as sin actually all the men are both sexy and deadly at the same time . He is having a little bit more trouble trying to get use to this new world they are in. He is protective and deadly and loves to push the buttons of his brother,  Monty is well he is frustrated, broody and kind of stalker like in some ways . He fights and fights until her realizes that they are family and they as a family have to get it together and keep Frankie safe and realize that they all belong together. They have come along way and have become such beloved characters that have become more and more complex with each book. 

  In this last book of the series we really get to see how they actually function at becoming a family that will do anything to keep each other safe. The author takes us on one last roller coaster ride that is emotional. She honestly makes the real world a little bit more scarier then being in the tundra fighting for their lives . There are twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat and the twist at the end had me squealing for joy even though it was some of the darkest moments of the book.  I did feel at the beginning of the book it was just a little on the slow side and you kind of wanted to slap all of them and wake them up to what they were doing . Then it kicked into over drive and you were flying through the pages. This is one of those series where you start at book one and don't stop reading until you are done book three. A great series for those crisp fall weekends where you want to curl up with a good book . So check them out. I promise you will not be disappointed.

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