Thursday, February 27, 2025


   Good afternoon my peeps, I am back with another hot book,  Its another hot sexy book by a new author. CONFESSIONS OF A CALL GIRL  by  Beth Hale 

                            BOOK BLURB

 Welcome to Confessions of a Call Girl.

Follow along with Josie, Cate, Andie, and Maya as they share their most exciting encounters . . . and maybe indulge in a few fantasies of your own.

                       MY REVIEW 
 Welcome to Blush where an elite clientele can savor some of the best that the big city has to offer . Josie and the girls share some of their most exciting and hottest encounters . 

   Each woman has such a fun tale to tell , from threesomes to a very hot priest . Each girl has an unique story to tell and how to tell it. 
 Josie is the head of Blush and has a couple of men who come to see her , Hudson is tall and debonair and also has a secret that only Josie knows about and they share an evening of passion that could melt your kindle. 
   Cate has a thing for the hot new priest that she can't get her mind off of what he could do to her and her followers on her blog are hanging on every word as she tells them about the one night they had, 
    Andie tells of her night with her best friends dad to her fans on her web camera. She retells what happened in detail and the fact that she has been fantasies about him since she was a teen ager. 
  Maya writes down in her journal about the night she had with her ex boyfriend and what she has missed with him . With a smile on her face and happy thoughts . 

    This was a fast hot read that will have you having fantasies of your own. The characters are well written and you really get into their stories each one different but entertaining . I over all enjoyed the stories but i do wish that they were just a little longer and built up the character complexity. The only other thing that had me stumbling a bit was there were a few edits that were missed . Over all this would be a good story to read on an evening with a glass of wine and the lights down low. 

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