Sunday, March 9, 2025


  Good afternoon peeps, it is Sunday here and another day of reader round up. Today I have for you another novel for you from Matthew Cox. This one is pretty cool AXILLON 99

                           BOOK BLURB

 Death isn’t a big deal in the virtual world of online gaming, but after poking her nose where it doesn’t belong, Dakota Marx finds herself running for her life―and reality doesn’t come with a respawn.

At twenty-two, she’s still slinging coffee at an Amazon Cafe despite having a degree in programming. It’s not because she’s unlucky, unmotivated, or even that she fancies herself an underground activist crusading against evil corporations… hunting for a ‘real’ job would take time away from her game.

Axillon99 is the world’s most popular multiplayer online experience, with a universe containing billions of planets to explore. Ever since video games broke the screen barrier, plunging players fully into their characters, reality just can’t compete.

Cognition Systems International announces a ten million dollar prize to celebrate the release of the next generation Neurona 4 interface helmet. After her crew decides to try chasing the money, Dakota discovers a sinister intent behind the new technology. Going public threatens the lives of her friends, but keeping CSI’s secret could destroy the very fabric of society.

                          MY REVIEW 
  When in the future everything is own by the big company's like Amazon . Dakota is working at the Amazon cafe to help fund her on line role playing game . When the CSI company decides to hold a 10 million dollar game challenge to launch their new system . Dakota and her friends decide to play. Dakota discovers malice in the game.  If she tells the world it could threaten their very lives but if Dakota hides the secret it could ruin the whole fabric of life. 
  There is a a great cast of characters in this book. Dakota is the leader of the merry little band of misfits . She is twenty two and trying just to be a no one and wants to play her role playing games .  In real life she tends to hide and just do her job and go home . In the game she is fearless and considered an underground activist that are fighting against the evil big corporations.  Erik is well her boyfriend who would forget to cuddle so they can play the game longer . He is a sweet guy who just wants to play the game and see how far he can get. There are many more characters that we meet in this book real life and in the game. Each character has a great personality and are very complex . There are moments that you want to just hug Dakota and the rest of the gang and other times you want to basically slap them upside the head for the stupid stuff they do. 
    Honestly I didn't know what I was getting into when I started this book. Was not ready for the roller coaster ride that the author took us on. The story is one of gaming and what can happen if the companies aren't what they seem to be and the real life that can be a little boring after being in the game. There were times when I had a hard time realizing when I was in the game and then in real life through out the book.  This would be a great book for those that love gaming and role playing .  So if you have a gamer or want to read a good sci fi book that will keep you awake all night this is the book for you

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