Monday, March 3, 2025


  Good morning peeps remember when I said that novellas were done . Well I have for you one more fun read. DON'T EXHUME ANYTHING  by Jennifer Daniels 

                          BOOK BLURB

 Author Lily Holland is a Mystery and Romance writer. You can find her at her desk or with her mother Carol, or sister Taylor. Lily lives a nice, quite life with her familiar, Walter the raccoon. That is until her sister Taylor makes her go to the upcoming Witches Council Meeting.

Lily’s world is turned upside down when her high school sweetheart, Officer Tripp Townsend, is a guest speaker at the council meeting. With news that St. Paul Cemetery has been vandalized, matters take a turn for the worst when they discover it’s only happening to the deceased of witch bloodlines.

Carol, along with her daughters Taylor and Lily, try to solve the mystery as to why this is happening. Lily has to find a way to let the past go and make sure that there could be a future with Tripp. But with someone trying to exhume the dead, that task may be a difficult endeavor.


                           MY REVIEW
  Lily is a mystery / romance author who is also a strong witch. When her mother and sister push her to go to the witches council meeting . Things happen that turns her world upside down. When her child hood sweetheart comes in looking so good in his police uniform. Informing everyone that some thing hinky is going on in the cemetery .  They have a mystery to solve and some hearts to mend while they are working out what is going on.  Also Tripp and Lily need to figure out what their relationship is and Lily has to figure out her new powers as they figure out what is going on. 

   Lily is such a fun character , she is so quiet and wants to write her books . Doesn't really want to get involved with witch business. She thinks her sister and mother have more power than she does. She is a little unsure of herself in most things.  Carol and Taylor are strong witches in their own right . they are sweet and fun loving, Tripp well he is sweet and handsome with eyes only for Lily. They have been through so much you really want them together. Each character is well written and you will really like them . 

  This is one of those stories that is a fast read. You can read this one on your lunch hour.  The author takes a fun look at a part of these characters lives, and has them figuring out the mystery and it always happens on Halloween , The story is fun and the author has a fun way of writing that will keep you laughing through out. Check it out if you want a fun fast read

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