Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Books to curl up with: ITS TIME FOR ANOTHER READER ROUND UP:   Good morning my peeps , today is the first book in the reader round up summer edition its all about the book series . Today I have for you...


  Good morning my peeps , today is the first book in the reader round up summer edition its all about the book series . Today I have for you THE PHANTOM ORACLE book 5 in the Vampire Innocent series by Matthew Cox 

                          BOOK BLURB

 Sarah Wright doesn’t think something as minor as death should get in the way of her future.

With the worst summer of her life behind her, it’s time to start focusing on her education. An immortal vampire—even if she is still new at it—pursuing a degree may or may not be a waste of time, but it at least it’s a way to keep up an illusion of sanity.

Soon after classes start, a mysterious presence trapped at the school attaches itself to Sarah, and her hopes for a normal college year evaporate. Sensing a lost soul in need, she decides to help. Unfortunately, this particular lost soul belongs to an ancient sect of mystics who aren’t at all happy about letting them go.

Worse, they aren’t beholden to Aurelie’s decree. Protecting her parents and siblings from the ‘supernatural crap’ falls entirely on Sarah’s shoulders. One wrong move and her worst nightmare will come true: losing the only thing she can’t un-live without—her family.

                      MY REVIEW 
 Sarah is well she is trying hard to have a normal life after what happened all she want to do is have a normal life. But after dying and being turned into a vampire. She isn't going to let that stop her from being a part of her family and going off to college. Except that pesky sun thing she has got the college thing going on. Changing her life and living in the darkness , thank goodness they have night classes . Until the day she decides to help a spirit that has been trapped for centuries, her life is turned into chaos.  Who knew that the spirit was attached to a mysterious cult that want her back. As Sarah tries to keep everyone safe and get back the stuff the cult wants . Will she be able to keep her friends and family safe or loose them. 
 Sarah is your typical teen ager even though she is also trying to figure out be a vampire also. She wants to keep life as normal as possible even if it means she tired and trying to keep it together. She comes off a little naive through out the book but she also stands up for her family and fights to keep them safe. Even though she has accepted that she is a vampire, there are times that she just feels lonely even with friends and family around. You really care for her and what she is going through, the cast of supporting characters range from her little siblings who are well you know how kids are and her parents who just take everything with a grain of salt and laugh.  They are such a fun family to read and really get to know and love . 
   What can I say, I truly enjoyed reading this series and the author has such a fun take on what a vampire can and can not do. Which is they can do almost anything as long as you stay out of the sun. The characters are enjoyable and you start to care for them. You also get to feel the angst of the main character as she walks the fine line of being a normal girl and a vampire. This could be read by your teenager i would say sixteen and up . So if you want a fun series check it out , there are eighteen books in the series. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Books to curl up with: HAPPY MONDAY ALL

Books to curl up with: HAPPY MONDAY ALL:    Good morning my peeps . I hope you all are having a great summer so far and surviving the heat . It has gotten so hot on the farm my hous...


   Good morning my peeps . I hope you all are having a great summer so far and surviving the heat . It has gotten so hot on the farm my house has turned into a meat locker. Which gives me a great excuse to snuggle under a blanket and get caught up on some great summer reads. Today I have for you book 3 in the  Daughter of the Moon series . THE STAR  by Hp Mallory.

                            BOOK BLURB 


I’m finally getting used to being a Daughter of the Moon.

Getting used to living in my aunt’s wacky castle in Vermont, getting used to my enormous… assets, and getting used to living with a talking goat, an annoying shrunken head, and my oafish barbarian of a protector.

The thing I haven’t quite wrapped my head around? The fact that my mother is now living in a nudist colony up the street .And that’s not the worst of it.

Apparently, my mother has her own set of powers, she’s bumping uglies with my protector, and she won’t keep her nose out of my business.

But everything is taking a backseat to the fact that I’m worried my new vampire friend, Gray—a man I met while strolling the dream-world—might not be the man I hope he is.

In fact, he happens to be my #1 enemy.Or he used to be. But he’s been atoning for his mistakes for the last thirty years, so I’m hoping he’s found his way to the light. Otherwise, the fact that I’m harboring a major crush on him isn’t going to go down so well.

And that’s not the only crush I’ve got (ahem, enter sexy magician, Luke), but life is complicated and I guess so am I.

Regardless, I’ve got a new tarot card mission (The Star) I need to conquer so I can find out what new power I’ve earned which hopefully will help me in the battle between light and dark…

                     MY REVIEW 
 Welcome back to Vermont . Kate is finally starting to get the hang of everything that is going on in her life and what it means to be a daughter of the moon. There are a few things that she still hasn't like why her mother is living down the street and worse yet she is living in a nudist colony and what is with the secret room and the man hanging in a cage in the secret room. Kate finds out that her mom has her own set of powers that may or may not help her with her fight between the light and the dark. So between figuring out what to do about the two men in her life and trying to wrangle her mom and finding the new power from the mission she is being sent on . Her life is pretty full and going to get wild with each passing day. Yes Yolanda and Rocco are back and reeking havoc where ever they go. 

   Kate and the gang are back and well lets say life is getting very interesting for poor Kate. She is taking everything in stride but people are getting on her nerves (her mother bonking her guard is just one of them)  She hasn't really come into her powers yet, so we see her struggle but we also see her pull through the attacks that are happening . She is getting stronger everyday . Grey is well he is her enemy but also she is attracted to him.There are moments she actually at the mercy of his desires and doesn't believe what Luke is trying to tell her. She is honestly fighting for her life and trying not to do down the dark and dangerous reality .The characters just keep getting better and honestly funnier with each book . 

   This is the third book in the series and it starts from where book two stopped, and has added more chaos ( mom) and actually a lot of laughter through out the book. The cast of characters are getting better and better. I am loving this series and can't wait to see what happens next. So if you want a fun summer read this is the series for you. Perfect for reading by the lake or pool. Check it out you won' t disappointed 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Books to curl up with: I AM BACK

Books to curl up with: I AM BACK:  Good afternoon my peeps , I know I have been mia but I took a break to spend some time in the sun. I am back with the last book in a histor...


 Good afternoon my peeps , I know I have been mia but I took a break to spend some time in the sun. I am back with the last book in a historical spy book The Resistance Girls series . THE RESISTANCE GIRLS REVISITED , A REUNION OF COURAGE AND BOND  book 8 

                        BOOK BLURB 

Le Manoir, Switzerland, 1948

Three years after the war, six remarkable women reunite at the Swiss finishing school, where they first crossed paths. Lili, Océane, Esther, Sable, Edda, and Anna, along with their mothers Agnès and Madeleine, come together to celebrate their headmistress Madame Paul's 30 years of leadership.

Against the backdrop of the Swiss Alps, they share their harrowing WWII stories, weaving a tapestry of courage, sacrifice, and friendship. From battlefields to covert operations, their enduring bonds and extraordinary heroism are celebrated in this riveting saga inspired by true events.

                          MY REVIEW 
 In 1948 just three years after the second World War has ended invitations are sent out to the ladies to celebrate 30 years of headmistress Madame's Paul 's leadership.  With each invitation that goes out we find out what is happening with the ladies , Lili. Oceane. Esther . Sable  Edda and Anna and Agnes and Madelaine. They all come together to celebrate and remember their lives and how they changed with the war .  We get to see them and how they survived what they have been through.

   Ok I have love these ladies since the first book I read. Each lady and got updated on the lives they have made for themselves after the horrors of the war. We see them happy but there is a sadness to them also. They are strong women all of them and they show it every day in their lives. You really get to see them happy when they are celebrating with Madame Paul. They are such well written and you will love them sooo much .

 When I first picked up this series I really didn't know about historical romance, yes there is romance in the books but there is also so much more. I love how the author uses the back drop of the war and all its ugliness for a story of surviving and finding a soul like theirs. The author has done such great research on the history and the violence.  The author will take you into a world where you will laugh, cry and cheer for the main characters. So if you want some excititng books check them out .

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Books to curl up with: HAPPY JULY EVERYONE

Books to curl up with: HAPPY JULY EVERYONE:    Good morning my peeps , I am back , yes I know I have been mia for awhile. I kind of had a bit of burn out after the reader roundup and t...


   Good morning my peeps , I am back , yes I know I have been mia for awhile. I kind of had a bit of burn out after the reader roundup and things going on the farm. I am back with book 38 in the Haven Hollow series . SATIN SUPERSTITIONS  by Hp Mallory and J.R Rain 

                           BOOK BLURB

 It's Lorcan's and my anniversary and I'm determined to make it a night to remember.

That might not sound like such a big deal, but I'm a witch, which means I haven't been trained in the art of romance. In fact, a few years ago, I wouldn't have even considered being in a relationship with a man, let alone married to one.

While I might like to put all my focus on planning the ultimate night out, something wicked this way comes in Haven Hollow. Seems someone is randomly cursing objects in town.

While I'm certainly not the type to want to involve myself in such things, the case turns personal when one of my clients is the subject of such a curse. Soon, I find myself working alongside Taliyah, our Chief of Police, as we both race against the clock to figure out whodunnit and why.

Hopefully, we can wrap this case up like yesterday because if there's something that really needs all my focus, it's trying to plan the date to end all dates…

                      MY REVIEW 
     Welcome back to the Hollow things have been well they have been going well . Wanda is well she is trying hard to figure out a plan to blow the socks off her husband for their first anniversary. Which is kind of hard because Lorcan is a vampire so a typical date is out, If that wasn't hard enough , she gets involved with the chief of police Taliyah trying to figure out who or what is cursing objects in a second hand store that are putting everyone in Haven Hollow at risk. Will they figure out what is going on and more important will Wanda finally figure out how to plan a romantic date for the vampire she loves more than life, 

   These characters just keep getting better and better . Wanda well she may think she is in charge and has a handle on her life as a coven leader and well a wife . But, there are moments she just doesn't have a sniff and it is just hilarious watching her fumble and realize that she really needs to ask for help. She seems to be more human in so many ways asking about what makes a good date and watching her friends tell her all the mushy details of what romance means to them. She is also still the kick butt witch witch that will help out , even though she really doesn't want to, to keep her supernatural friends safe. Even if it means that she actually get dirty. The rest of the gang are back also , telling of the romance in their lives but also ready to jump in and help out. These characters just keep getting better and funnier with each book that comes out . 

  This has to be my favourite series to date. The characters are just so interesting and so funny. There is never a dull moment when you start reading . The authors have built a great community of characters in this series. You feel like you could drive into any small town and you might find some special people there.  This is a laugh out loud series that would be so fun for your summer reading . So if you want a fun beach reach check out the series and be prepared to laugh