Wednesday, September 25, 2024


  Good morning my peeps. I know I have been away for awhile, life got busy on the farm with fall work. I will also admit I was in a bit of a book funk also but I am back with some new reads for your fall season. Today we are going to start with a brand new series by Hp Mallory. LITERARY  LUNACY  book 1 in the Bewitched books series 

                           BOOK BLURB

 Bewitched Books isn’t just any used bookstore—it’s one with a magical secret…

Starting over at forty-two was never part of my plan.
But after a painful divorce, I needed a fresh start.
So, here I am, returning to my hometown of Laurel Falls, TN, with my tail tucked firmly between my legs.
Luckily for me, I’ve got my best friend, Rox, with me and the two of us are determined to bring back to life the bookstore I revered as a child.
Little do I know, this bookstore isn’t just a haven for beloved stories—it also holds a magical secret.
Imagine my surprise when I discover that certain books in my possession have literally come to life—or at least, the characters have.
As if that isn’t enough to come to terms with, I soon find myself entangled with the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.
Heath Waise is tall, dark and brooding, but he’s also got a secret, and it’s a secret he’s keeping at all costs.
Not only that, but I’m pretty sure Heath wants something from me—I mean, what other reason would he have for his obvious interest and his determination to keep me close?
And that’s when the hauntings begin…
Soon I'm being targeted by a vengeful ghost, her intentions growing more menacing with each passing day.
So, are you up for a wild ride? Then join me as I navigate this supernatural adventure where classic literature, magic, love and mystery intertwine in ways I never thought possible...

                        MY REVIEW 
 What do you get when you cross a bookstore, a ghost , a newly divorced woman and her best friend oh and add in a hot brooding man. You get a great story about Eliot a 42 year old divorcee and her best friend heading back to her home town to reopen the bookstore El loved as a child. One day a handsome man walks into her life and things start to change sometimes not for the best. Hauntings , books coming alive in ways , a brooding handsome man hanging on to a secret.  What is a girl to do but hang on and jump in and try to figure out this supernatural adventure of magic, love and mysteries that all are entwined in the most unusual ways. 

  For a first book in a new series, this is a fun fast read. We get to meet some fun new characters that are of a certain age. An age of most of us readers . Eliot is 42 and starting over , she is trying to put her life back together after a bad break up . She is sweet but she does have a sadness in her that has her distrusting in herself . She seems like she is not doing anything right in her eyes. She is brought into a world of characters coming to life and a vengeful ghost . What is a girl to do but toughen up and put on her big girl panties and figure out what the heck is happening . Rox is her best friend and so much fun, she is a no nonsense woman who keeps El on the right side of crazy. Rox is the type of woman that will talk you into almost anything and make it like it was your decision. She is loud and boisterous to El's quiet shy style.  Heath is tall dark and oh so broody, he is one of those men who is the strong silent type but he is hiding a big secret. You will swoon when you meet him or you will want to smack him up side the head a few times. You will soon start to like him but with every morally grey characters you will love to hate him. 

 This is the first book in the series and it started out with a bang. The characters are so good and I can't wait to see where the author takes them in next book. The book has my favourite things a bookstore, ghosts and characters that make the story fun. This is one of those fast fun reads and once you start you can't stop. I can't wait to see what the author does with the characters and what shenanigans they get up to. So check out this fun new series from a fun paranormal author.  

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