Tuesday, September 12, 2023


  Good afternoon peeps, sorry I have been away for a bit had a lot of books to read and we were harvesting . Today I have for you a thriller a psychological thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.  This is a new author for me so let me introduce you to ATTERCOPPE  by Shirley Day. 

                           BOOK BLURB 

 Ella's running from her abusive husband when she ends up stranded on an Essex marsh island with an uncanny past. She tries to blend in with the small rural community until a curious virus breaks out—a cursed dream: tell it once, and you're dead. Ella needs to evade her husband, stop the virus from getting off the island, and save the people she's come to think of as her friends.

                     MY REVIEW 
 Ella is running from her abusive husband and she finds herself on a stranded on an marsh island in Essex with a weird past . Where she tries to fit in with the locals when a virus breaks out and cursed dreams . Ella needs to get away and keep hiding and stop a virus from getting off the island and save her friends . Will she be able to do it and stay safe. 

 There are so many great characters in this book . Ella is the main character who is running for her life . She is escaping from an abusive husband and wants to stay hidden.She starts of as a scared woman fighting to stay hidden and really turns into a woman who will fight to keep those around her safe. The people of the town are very interesting group of people and are just trying to survive . We really get to see each character grow as they are fighting to keep the virus contained and to save themselves in the process. Ella really comes out to be a hero to the people and they fight hard to keep each other safe . 

  This is one of those stories that you will get swept up into the story . The characters are well written and complex each having their own problems along with the wide problem of the virus that is sweeping through the town . You really get swept up and you are on the edge of your seat all the way through . The twists and turns will have you gasping through out the book.  I truly enjoyed this book and read it in a weekend. This is a new author to me and I am going to check out other books from her. So if you like physiological thrillers this is the book for you  a great book for you Halloween reading list .  

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